Oldgeezering: the tendency of anyone over the age of 20 to start reminiscing about how the world has changed. Identify by use of temporal phrases like "when I was a kid," "back in the day," "nowadays." Also, Proustian locational references: "the video arcade," "my grandfather's farm," "the five-and-dime." Oldgeezering in practice:
When I was a kid, my dad used to drag us around behind a boat in pretty much anything that floated. Once it was a wide mahogany door: hard to grip –– and there must have been some additional flotation, right? Huh. It's all blur of water up the nose. The safety rules were few but iron-clad: lifejackets for all kids and somebody was charged to act as spotter. NEVER take eyes off your mark. I guess I was spotting for cousin B in this picture. Check out that flex. Daddo looks mighty buff; always with the Ray-Bans, the cigarette (gasoline canisters be danged!) and the bottle of beer. Kids these days –– they don't even.
2/22/2021 10:28:56 am
In all the movies/videos we have dad always has that cigarette going. Major style points for how they hold it in their hand.
2/23/2021 01:24:30 pm
Thanks HH --
Sarah Ellen Smith
2/22/2021 06:15:52 pm
You remember what Daddo’s doing in this photo right? He and Uncle Robert used to do this Tarzan call at each other and thump their chests. It was usually followed by crazy jumps into the River or chasing us around. They were in their early 30’s. Kids with kids. Fun. Thanks.
2/23/2021 01:25:46 pm
Hey sis
2/24/2021 10:00:38 pm
Is that your father?
2/25/2021 08:49:02 pm
Thanks Goldie. It is.
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