You know how it goes. Everything peaceful and chill. Maybe the iPod is playing the soundtrack from Hamilton. Perhaps you're watching Rabbit TV (a limited lineup, but endlessly entertaining). Maybe you're cooking on the newly functional propane stove. Anyway, it's relaxed. When EEEEEEEEEE. and EEEEEEEEE. and EEEEEEEE! The noise is designed to either wake you from a sound sleep or possibly drive you in-freaking-sane. Whichever. It works. Okay, you you press the reset button. Two minutes later –– just as the old heart-rate is returning to normal –– EEEEEEEEE! and EEEEEEEEEEE! My handsome gallant saves us, holding a thumb over the button repeatedly. It becomes clear that the damn 10-years-guaranteed, never-needs-batteries, save-your-life-and-required-by-law has gone rogue. It will not stop alerting us. It EEEEEEEs in the bathroom. It EEEEEEEEs outdoors. Jeff eventually puts it into the van, so it could, as he said, "Simmer down." All during dinner, an errant wind gave us brief hope, and then, faintly, EEEEEEEEE. and EEEEEEEE. Dishes done (in a sink! with running hot and cold water! cabin life is better and better!), Jeff betakes himself off and the next thing I notice is that he's taken out the 50-year-old .22 his father gave him. Whatcha doing? I ask. He points, and I hear a faint EEEEEEing across the field. He's put the damn thing into a tree. I admire the dispatch with which he handles tech troubles. A clean through-and-through, and by golly the thing has stopped EEEEEEEing.
The test button suggests that it's still working, but I'm taking it back to the local hardware store where we bought it. I don't mind explaining why.
Dr. DeSantis
7/13/2020 07:54:46 am
Excuse me. I'd like to return this smoke detector, if I may? It seems to have a hole in it.
7/14/2020 01:03:06 pm
It was a mercy shooting.
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