I've since became an enthusiastic customer of St. Lawrence Nurseries, where the trees are bred to survive the harshest of North Country weather. We made sheltered havens where we've planted heirloom apples, pears, hazelnuts, elderberries, basket willows, and, the point of the blog: aronia berries. Aronia is the formal name for what is sometimes known as a "chokeberry." (NOT a "chokecherry," btw) It's a small, hardy, brushy tree that bears dark little fruits. They are quite astringent until ripe.
Scientific studies show that it's bursting with super-fruit power, and I'm hoping for an aronia cordial or a mixed berry pie next fall. It's not an easy lot, trying to be a good sapling on the Would-Be Farm. You'll have to survive lots of rain, or not enough rain, plus biblical-level plagues of insects and marauding deer. You'll get ignored and crowded by weeds for months at a time. But when fruit arrives, as this aronia did this past autumn, a young sapling can expect a bit of a party. Hurrah the Aronia! Nice work, little fella! Hope you are having a decent winter up there! You'll be getting a birthday cake of fertilizer in April! Yay you!
1/17/2019 08:52:10 am
Hey, there's aronia in my blackberry yogurt -- I never knew.
1/25/2019 05:11:44 pm
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