Shocking, isn't it? Not only did they spent their days messing with the tides of war and chasing an unsavory amount of mortal tail, but the Classical gods evidently shared our smart-phone addiction. I'm hoping that this guy here is not Apollo glued to his LOLs and OM-me's. For one thing, the full and manly beard is not Apollo's style. Plus he didn't need the distraction while piloting his quadriga across the sky each day. Texting and driving is not funny. Maybe it's Zeus -- or rather, since I snapped this picture on the Capitoline hill in Rome, maybe it's Jupiter. I wonder if Jupiter checking out that selfie Janus posted. [she said, snorting nerdishly] Maybe he's checking his Twitter account (#makelikeaneagle@HotSedele, #makelikeaswan@HotLeda, #makelikeasexybull@HotEuropa), or watching that Instagram parody. So what -- and who -- is he texting? Entertaining caption below wins a prize. (Note, at press-time, the previous caption contest ("Caption Contest #1: The Dogs") is still open to entries.
george a.
1/5/2014 12:45:28 am
This is almost as bad as the weekly caption contest in the New Yorker (I never win those either).
1/6/2014 07:54:25 am
George -- I dunno, TwoBeers TEXTING?
george a
1/6/2014 08:00:21 am
Probably need to go back to the Babylonians or Sumerians to find an appropriate beer deity:
Ed Salva
1/6/2014 09:05:33 am
Yo Bacchus bring out your mid-winter best, Mardi Gras is coming soon
Dawn Narramore
1/5/2014 01:15:46 am
Looks like Bacchus/Dionysus by the batch of grapes. My guess is he's drunk texting one of those hot little nymphs he used to chase around.
1/6/2014 07:56:34 am
Dawn, are you filling in a Mr. T "pitty duh foo" voice, or is that just me?
1/6/2014 04:26:02 am
Ha! I KNOW this chick! Passes me every morning on the way to work. Drives a '99 Honda stick. Always about seven minutes late an' doin' 65 in a 35 (with school zone). About 19 with a bit of facial hair but not altogether unattractive. Ran two donorcycles off the road just this morning! Rockin a scalding Starbux and slippery eggwhite flatbread sandwich between her knees. Used to be dangerous with just the hand mirror, tweezer, lipstick, hairbrush, steering wheel, clutch and stick, but of course her buds have taught her cellular so now she's fargin lethal. Probably just texting herself!
1/6/2014 08:03:30 am
Hey Who'sthefairestofthemall --
1/7/2014 12:34:03 am
moobs yes, xclnt, and abs that could crack this screen! - she must work out. Leave a Reply. |
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